Call for papers: Economic Consequences of the Age of Liberal Revolutions, 1810-1848

Conference to be held at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa


September 23, 2022

Conference title:

Economic Consequences of the Age of Liberal Revolutions: 1810-48


Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa

Note: This conference is expected to take place offline only.

Keynote speaker:

Leandro Prados de la Escosura (Carlos III)

Roundtable about the impact in Iberia:

José Luís Cardoso (ICS), Guillaume Daudin (Université Paris Dauphine), Leandro Prados de la Escosura (Carlos III), Margarida Sobral Neto (Coimbra), José Vicente Serrão (ISCTE), Cristina Nogueira da Silva (U. Nova de Lisboa).

The roundtable of the Economic Consequences of the Age of Liberal Revolutions: 1810-48 conference will debate how the economic and institutional historiography has analysed the impact of revolution in the Iberian context in the last decades. The speakers will be challenged to reflect on the following questions: what legacies remained from the Ancient Regime?; what new liberal/constitutional elements were introduced in the first decades after the Revolution?; moreover, was the Revolution truly revolutionary or did it fail in its intentions? The debate will focus not only on how the literature has traditionally considered these matters but also on what new approaches could be brought into the discussion.

Conference organizers:

Nuno Palma (U. Manchester, ICS-UL and CEPR) and Renato Pistola (ICS-UL).

Conference theme:

We plan to accept papers that cover economic aspects of the impact of the liberal revolutions of the first half of the nineteenth century. We are particularly interested in the context of Iberia but in a comparative framework, both relative to different countries and across time. To which extent did the Liberal/Constitutional reforms change the nature of property rights and the law, in ways that affected economic incentives? Why did the reforms did not in fact lead to sustained economic growth and convergence for the Iberian economies?

Costs and funding:

There will be a small conference fee (around 20 euro) to cover lunch and coffee breaks only. Due to limited funding, we cannot cover travel and accommodation costs, unfortunately.


September 2, 2022 – deadline to send us a paper proposal (1 page max.)

September 5, 2022 – we will communicate the accepted proposals (and possibly a waiting list)

September 16, 2022 –the program will be posted.

For applications, please email a paper proposal to both Nuno Palma and Renato Pistola.

Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa

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